TIRSDAG 01. DEC 2015 - KL 20.30




Belgiske Raketkanon er en kombination af sludge og eksperimenterende, kaotisk psych. Tænk Melvins møder Tomahawk og tidlig Butthole Surfers. Deres andet album 'RKTKN#2' udkom i marts 2015 og er lavet i samarbejde med Steve Albini. 

"Not since Evil Superstars helpfully informed us that 'Satan Is In My Ass' has such a maelstrom of malevolence erupted from Belgium." - The Quietus

 "RAKETKANON grabs you by the neck, drags you violently out of your comfort-zone, gets in your face and leaves an impression you won’t be able to forget any time soon."



Brooklyn-rockduoen Lushes udgiver albummet 'Service Industry' d. 16. oktober, og i den forbindelse kommer de på deres EU-tour forbi Loppen!

Albummet er lavet i samarbejde med ingen ringere end Aaron Mullan (Sonic Youth, Magik Markers) og Jonathan Schenke (Parquet Courts, Eaters). Første udspil fra Lushes udkom i 2014 på Felte under titlen 'What am I doing'. 

"combines the hard, the beautiful and the just-plain-odd, creating something else entirely. (...) Expect something driving and loud and noisy and instead you get clean guitar harmonics, ambient synth noises, and drums that debauch the notion of the 4/4 time signature, bringing to mind the sound of Touch and Go artists of years past. Whereas Slint and Rodan embraced and beautified dissonance, Lushes do a similar thing with consonance. Space-y, Radiohead-esque synths overpower guitars and fill the sonic space in much the same way a distorted flatted fifth would assault your ears on a guitar."

- Exploding in Sound 


Tirsdag 01. dec 2015
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