SØNDAG 29. NOV 2015 - KL 20.30





Cruciamentum spiller beskidt, mørk dødsmetal ala Immolation, Incantation, Absu, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Mystifier etc. De startede i 2005, og det er indtil videre blevet til en række demoer og en MCD/MLP 'Engulfed in Desolation' på Nuclear Winter Records (2011). I forbindelse med (den længe ventede) udgivelse af deres første fuldlængde LP 'Charnel Passages' (Profound Lore/Me Saco Un Ojo), lægger de vejen forbi Loppen!

Cruciamentum er kendt for deres intense liveshows og har bl.a. turneret med Sonne Adam, Anhedonist og besøgt festivaller som Maryland Deathfest, Chaos in Tejas, Hell's Pleasure og Kill Town Death Fest.

"these stalwarts of doomed out Incantation-inspired old school death metal will cause you to grow moss in your ears if you aren't careful… it's that good." metal injection

"The aptly titled Charnel Passages is a bludgeoning, seven-track descent into the familiar territory of death metal titans Immolation, or that of the band’s Profound Lore labelmates, Vasaeleth. The similarities end there, though, as Cruciamentum’s otherwise hollowed-out cellar dwelling sound comes with a ferocious lead guitar presence that tears across each song with malevolent fury. This isn’t straightforward death metal by any means, either; there are just as many doom and thrash touches as there are the trademark double kick rhythmic punches." noisey 



Corpsessed startede 2007 og udgav i 2011 deres første EP under titlen 'The Dagger & The Chalice' på Dark Descent Records/Me Saco Un Ojo. Det skulle altså tage knap syv år og to EP'er før den første fuldlængde "Abysmal Thresholds" udkom i starten af 2014, og det var ventetiden værd! Dette album har for alvor placeret Corpsessed som én af fanebærerne af finsk dødsmetal. 

"Abysmal Thresholds is everything I wanted in this band’s debut and then some. Armed with tools originating on each side of the Atlantic, Corpsessed have cemented their ascension in the Death Metal ranks." cvlt nation 

"The amount of time and detail Corpsessed weaved throughout this debut LP shows not only their understanding of the death metal genre, but also what proper musicianship can add to embellish something typically stereotyped into one blunt sound." new noise 



Som det nyeste skud på Kill-Town Death-stammen kommer lokale Phrenelith med deres møgbeskidte dødsmetal. Demobånd ude på Extremely Rotten Productions. 

Søndag 29. nov 2015
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